Track Your I Bond in Quicken and in Moneydance
Now you can track your I bond both in Quicken and in Moneydance. This tool will generate a price history file for your choice of Quicken or Moneydance file formats. Upload this CSV file to Quicken or Moneydance to track your I bond investment.
This step will create a download file which you can download on the next screen.
Both Quicken and Moneydance allow you to manually update security prices by uploading a CSV file containing the price history. You can find more information about manually updating share prices in Quicken at the following link.
For Moneydance, the link below provides the information.
Tracking I bonds in Quicken or in Moneydance requires a unique security symbol for I bonds purchased each month. This is because I bonds purchased in different months will have different accrued values (and redemption values) on any given date, although the interest rates may be the same.
To ensure the uniqueness of the I bond symbol for each month, this tool uses the following pattern to name the symbol for an I bond:
For example, the symbol for all I bonds purchased in February 2000 will be IBOND-2000-02
, and for any I bonds purchased in October 1998 the symbol will be
The generated price history file will have the same file name as the symbol, followed by the csv file extension, for example,
For Quicken, each row in the price history file will be in the following format containing the respective values:
For Moneydance, the first row is a header as shown below. The second through the last row will contain these values in the respective columns.
Date, High, Low, Close, Volume
Values in the Quicken file are enclosed in double quotes but not in the Moneydance file.
The I bond price history is based on a $25.00 I bond. Therefore, you need to enter the appropriate quantity to reflect the correct price for the I bond you purchased.
Quantity = Purchase amount/25
For example, if you purchased an I bond for $10,000, the quantity is 10,000/25 = 400. For a $5,000 I bond purchase, the quantity is 200.
Interest on I Bonds
I bonds accrue interest income based on the methodology specified in CFR § 359. If you redeem an I bond that is less than five years old, the last three months of interest income on the I bond will be forfeited as a penalty for early redemption. Therefore, the value of an I bond that is less than five years old is net of this interest penalty.
The price history from the date of purchase through the five-year mark is net of the last three months of interest, and from the five-year mark onwards the price will be the full accrued value of the I bond. Use the I Bond Calculator to get a better understanding of the redemption values and accrued values of your I bonds on various dates.
Price History Updates
TreasuryDirect updates the interest rates on I bonds twice a year, on May 1 and on November 1. Currently the price history file includes all available values based on the latest interest rate update on 11/1/2024. In the future, this data will be updated every May 1 and November 1 as TreasuryDirect releases new rates. You will need to download new price history files and update the prices in Quicken or Moneydance to reflect the new values.
Select the tool that meets your needs
Calculate the monthly values of your I bond investment. Find out accrued value and redemption value on any date. Get a graphical view of I bond's growth to inflation.
Generate a table summarizing all your I bonds showing values, such as fixed rate, redemption value, and accrued value, as of the first of the current month.
A spreadsheet solution to track all your I bonds and get the accrued value and redemption value on any date. Also get the fixed rate.